A.D.I.L.A. stands for: Attorneys for the Defense of Immigrants to be Legal in America. The name alone explains our mission. In light of the recent changes in Immigration law, the A.D.I.L.A. Law Group understands the needs and rights of immigrants in and outside of the United States.
The A.D.I.L.A. Law Group consists of experienced and compassionate attorneys and staff who are committed to immigrants’ rights. Headed by Certified Specialist in Immigration and Nationality Law, Valerie Curtis-Diop, A.D.I.L.A. changes people’s lives through zealous representation and an effective approach towards the client’s immigration needs.
The A.D.I.L.A. Law Group is committed to educating clients on the law, advocating the law on the client’s behalf, and ultimately, changing lives for the better. Whether you are in the U.S. or in another country, we are always here for you.